15th - 19th NOVEMBER 2021
From Monday November 15th 2021 to Friday November 19th 2021, professionals and experts in the Oil&Gas sector will share with us skills, useful for valve technologies and flow control solutions.
Every day in this week at 05:00pm we talk about Design, Technical Standards, Metallurgy, Sealing Systems and Auxiliary Components for Industrial Valves.
This event is a real Information Hub, where you can keep up-to-date with market trends, meet the global key-players, the manufacturing excellence and look for the latest technology innovations.
Lasting about 50 minutes each, they will have a first part of speech and a second part dedicated to questions and answers from the participants, offering them a briefreal-time advice.
Thanks to the contribution of highly qualified speakers and moderators, a space will come to life of digital comparison without stopping. Virtual meetings to create a new thrust community from the common desire to create a future together in a digital perspective.
Streaming proposed live will also be available later on our Youtube channel: VALVEcampus Youtube Channel.